Profile Pic

Calico Skye

Calico Skye the space cat streams on twitch every Tuesday at 1pm pst (sometimes earlier) and other times throughout the week!Recent schedule can be found on our discord, the Calicosmos!

Profile Pic


Sub only commandsResult
fart/fard (used anywhere)Will make one of 48 different fart noises. I ate too many beans
!stinky [USERNAME]Times out the user you put in for 15 sec. Can be used once per user every 20 seconds
!witnessPuts me into a witness protection program where you only see a black silhouette of me
!barrelrollMakes my camera do a barrel roll with a nice lil SFX!
!himboMoment, !himboAdds 1 (one) to the himbo moment counter
!pat [USERNAME]ex. @little_Spaceships has given @CalicoSkye the warmest of headpats! (˵◕ ω ◕˵ ) dawww
!burp, !belchPlays a randomized belch sound effect (sfx)
nya, meowRandomized meow sfx
meowrgh, meowgdaf
ducky, duckPlays the Quack meme sfx
quackers, quackPlays the Quack meme sfx, but cut off with REVERBBB
stopit, !stopPlays the sfx from the "Stop it, Get Some Help" meme
!spainPlays the sound effect, "Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition!" From Monty Python
!cookPlays a 3 second audio clip from this cursed video
!lurkDisplays lurk message in chat and lets me know you're supporting the channel :D
!social, !socialsᨐฅ Follow Calico on twitter at ! ᨐฅ
!discordLinks the Calicosmos discord!
!throneLinks to throne!
!adventureStartStarts your D&D adventure in the Calicosmos and creates your character!
!adventureRerollReroll your character! May be done twice per stream! Keeps your current item.
!adventureCheckTells you what your race, class, weakness and strength are! Mentions your item if you have one.
!dungeonCrawlIn Construction for now! Explore the dungeon and if you do well, see what loots you get! 60 second cooldown per user.

Mod Commands / Actions:

  • General Stuffs:

  • !mechaOn, !mechaOff - Equips/Deactivates Calico in his Mecha

  • !snowOn, !snowOff - turns on/off snow vfx

  • !comfyOn, !comfyOff - Puts on/off comfy blanket

  • !faceTrackXon/!faceTrackXoff - Turns on and off modest face tracking on the x axis. Usually left on.

  • !faceTrackYon/!faceTrackYoff - turns on and off rather strict face tracking for the y axis. Usually left off.

  • Music:

  • !togglePlay - plays or pauses music/media

  • !next - plays next song

  • !last - plays last song

  • !repeat - starts current song over

  • The Law:

  • !strike [USERNAME] - gives a user a strike. Instant ban on 4th strike.

  • !strikecount [USERNAME] - displays how many strikes a user has.

  • !strikeReset [USERNAME] - resets strikes if an accident was made.

  • !stinkier [USERNAME] - time outs someone for 69 seconds. Use when someone needs a light slap on the wrist

  • !so [USERNAME] - standard shoutout!

  • !discordToggle - Toggles friends in chat from being visible/invisable

  • How to change Stream Info (title, category, etc)

  • Twitch Commands (that also work on every channel for mods/broadcasters)